I know….
There are all kinds of really good reasons why your sex life isn’t on the top of your ‘to-do’ list right now.
You’re taking care of everyone else – there’s just no time.
It’s just as well, because when you do make time, sex feels like a chore – boring; routine.
It’s just one more thing to feel anxious about (like you need another).
Hold up.
Give yourself a break. A full, successful life is often exhausting (even when you’re tired from doing things that you actually really want to do).
If you’re concerned about your sex life, it’s rare that the feeling isn’t mutual. It may be scary to broach this topic with your partner, like it’s not worth the hurt feelings or unpredictable responses. Or if you’ve already brought it up, maybe it led to conflict… and you’ve stopped trying.
But a lack of intimacy can act like an acid, eating away at the foundation of your relationship, making your connection vulnerable, like an old brick house in earthquake country. In this state, even small shakes can feel dangerous.
I won’t offer you some PollyAnna BS and say that it’s easy to be truly intimate. It requires bravery, but you don’t have to do it alone.
Getting support can make all the difference.
Just because the honeymoon is over does not mean that your sex life and emotional intimacy have to give way to the logistical demands of partnership.
Intimate communication can be learned.
So much goes unsaid, sacrificed to the intention of not wanting to be hurtful. Talk about one of the most unsuccessful of all common relational intentions. Trying not to hurt another person’s feelings might be responsible for more hurt feelings than just about anything else.
If nothing else, commit to stop doing what doesn’t work right now. Speaking the truth can be done in a way that actually deepens intimacy.
Sex and Intimacy Coaching can help where therapists can’t.
Sexuality and harmonious connection aren’t always playing on the same radio station.
Sometimes what helps your relationship life smothers your sex drive. And for some, what makes their genitals throb would destroy trust and connection in their partnership.
I know how to make the bridge between these frequencies. I can support you in broaching topics that until now you were convinced were utterly beyond discussion.
Erotic interests evolve in a relationship and over the lifecycle. The biggest mistake people make about their partners is that they already know them, inside and out. There is so much left to learn about one another – and yourself. This might include…
- Unearthing and releasing the buried resentment that is blocking your arousal
- Finding your own authentic boundaries and learning how to speak with compassion and sexiness
- Mapping the territory of each of your preferences and fantasies
- Exploring new frequencies of loving such as passion, erotic trance, dominance and submission
(This list is FAR from exhaustive.)
Here is the upside: more ENERGY
If you are willing to approach sex as something deserving of your creative energy, and your intimate bravery, you could find yourselves having sex that is perhaps even better than you could imagine.
Sex is one of the most delicious aspects of being in relationship. It creates a bridge over the inevitable challenges of life and reinforces the foundation of your connection. Without it, you can float away into roommate-land.
Don’t wait any longer to find your way back to each other.
Give me a call now at (650) 597-9955 to schedule a free consultation.
Call or text me now to book an appointment
or schedule a 15-minute heart-to-heart.
(650) 597-9955